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Dermal clinicians 

A Dermal Clinician is a paramedic who treats healthy, diseased or damaged skin. For this he or she has followed a medical university education. The Dermal Clinician treats and cares for the largest organ, namely the skin. The aim of skin therapy is to eliminate, prevent or reduce disorders and limitations resulting from skin disorders.  


1. Laws and regulations 

The Dermal Clinician profession falls under article 34 of the BIG Act (Individual Healthcare Professions Act). The purpose of the BIG Act is to monitor quality in healthcare. Article 34 describes the areas of expertise and education requirements. The educational title of Dermal Clinician is protected. Someone may only call yourself a Dermal Clinician if she/he complies with Section 34 of the BIG Act. The title Dermal Clinician indicates that such health professional is an expert in a particular field of healthcare.

2. KP Register Paramedics 

The Paramedics Quality Register realizes the quality registration for nine paramedical professional (also Dermal Clinicians) groups that fall under the BIG Act. Dermal Clinicians who work at Skintology have their own KP Paramedics registration. Paramedics with a Quality Registration for Paramedics work on their expertise not only by making many clinical hours, but also by following further education. In this way they can provide high-quality care that fits this time. This is not only important information for you and your health, but also for health insurers. They usually only reimburse if a paramedic is on the KP register.

3. What does Dermal Clinician do

The Dermal Clinician does not aim to offer you a relaxing treatment. Its aim is to reduce your skin problem as efficiently and effectively as possible. In addition, the Dermal Clinician regularly receives patients with psychological complaints as a result of trauma, shame, fear or limitations associated with their skin condition.  The treatment of patients often takes place in collaboration with a dermatologist, plastic surgeon, general practitioner, phlebologist, physiotherapist or dietician etc..

The field of work of the Dermal Clinician is broad and varied. From young to old, patients can visit to the Dermal Clinician with skin problems (from acne, edema to age spots) - and wishes in the field of cosmetic improvements (camouflage of discolorations, removal of visible vascular malformations, laser hair removal, etc.). In addition, a preventive visit to the Dermal Clinician can prevent problems or aggravation of complaints - such as the early detection of skin cancer. You can go to the Dermal Clinician without a referral for an intake interview. Many skin treatments are reimbursed from the additional healthcare insurance or basic insurance (edema therapy, fitting compression stockings). 

4. Difference from the beauticians 

A beautician is trained to care for and beautify healthy skin. They mainly focus on the cosmetic aspect of skin care. You can often contact them for relaxing, skin care treatments, but not with medical skin complaints such as acne, scars, rosacea or laser treatments. 



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