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Benign skin lesion removal formula

Painless and effective removal of skin imperfections with T-away


Our colleague Ymke, skin therapist IO, removes various benign skin imperfections such as fibroma and benign moles, already checked by your general practitioner or dermatologist. Every treatment starts with a consultation in which we discuss your wishes and health. Together we look at whether your objectives are feasible and if so, in which way. Prior to your treatment, the skin therapist will give you a good indication of the number of treatments needed to remove your skin problems. After the treatment, we plan a follow-up check that takes place 6 weeks later. We then check whether the skin has healed properly and whether everything has been removed as desired.

The treatment is performed with T-away. The T-Away uses USHF (Ultra Short High Frequency) technology. The impulse of the electrical current is converted into a heat impulse, which allows problem areas to be treated safely and effectively with no effect on the surrounding tissue. This treatment may involve risks and discomfort such as:
- swelling or redness
- there may be a temporary discoloration of the skin
- it is common that crusting occurs, this disappears after an average of 10 days
- treated skin normally recovers within a few days, but can take up to 4 weeks

- although uncommon, in some cases the treatment may involve a small visible tissue change or scarring

Below you will find a number of important things that are important to know before you start with the T-Away:

1. Avoid swimming pools, sauna and excessive sweating for 72 hours after treatment

2. The treatment area must be protected from sunlight, sunbed for at least 2 weeks. The skin may be extra sensitive to UV light after the treatment

3. After the treatment it is recommended to use SPF 50 for 6 weeks

4. You should avoid using any type of cosmetic products containing perfume or other irritating ingredients for a minimum of 72 hours after the treatment. You can use Youngblood Mineral Make-up products after 24 hours​ uur


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